Labor: how it happened
On the day after her birthday N's water broke. In the kitchen.
While she was making eggs.
So on the morning of january 14 we went to the hospital.
How fun! I thought. The baby will be born the day after her birthday!
How wrong I was—it would take much longer than that.

She wasn't in active labor so they started to give her Pitosin to get things moving.

And then they began to increase it because nothing was happening.

Still increasing. Still nothing.

This is starting to look like it might take a while.

Might as well get some sleep.

Checking in with the parents: nothing yet.

And then: contractions (and the pain).

The freaking pain!
("breathe. Don't forget to breathe"
the nurse says to me.)

And then the epidural gods came and took it all away.

And before we knew it (like 17 hours after we arrived) it was time to start pushing.

N was not doing badly at this point (thanks epidural!) so I decided to grab a seat.

And at about two o'clock in the afternoon we had what we came for—a baby boy.
While she was making eggs.
So on the morning of january 14 we went to the hospital.
How fun! I thought. The baby will be born the day after her birthday!
How wrong I was—it would take much longer than that.

She wasn't in active labor so they started to give her Pitosin to get things moving.

And then they began to increase it because nothing was happening.

Still increasing. Still nothing.

This is starting to look like it might take a while.

Might as well get some sleep.

Checking in with the parents: nothing yet.

And then: contractions (and the pain).

The freaking pain!
("breathe. Don't forget to breathe"
the nurse says to me.)

And then the epidural gods came and took it all away.

And before we knew it (like 17 hours after we arrived) it was time to start pushing.

N was not doing badly at this point (thanks epidural!) so I decided to grab a seat.

And at about two o'clock in the afternoon we had what we came for—a baby boy.