
that's what I like about you!

n: Dear little one, I can already tell some things about you:
- You do not like the heat! You get too hot in LA, dizzy when we go on long walks and (I do agree with you when) you throw a bit of a fit in Palm Springs in the 122 degree weather!
-You are a good sleeper like me!
-You like attention in the middle of the night- preferably in the form of food from the fridge.
-You love when I take you to the pool and out swim the other preggie ladies! (Gosh, you are just like your daddy)
-You like yoga, but think it's wierd
-You LOVE hearing your daddy's voice, but especially love when he puts his mouth on the belly and vibrates it! (you must be doing summersaults!)
-Pasta, pasta, pasta- is that all you think about?!
-You love hanging out with your mama.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

...little one is so lucky to have such wonderful, caring, attentive parents..he/she is having such a great life--already...and about loving the hanging out with mama--but of course!

8:43 PM  

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